Ny norsk standard for arealberegning i Revit: NS 3940
Symetri Norge forbedrer arbeidsflyten for arkitekter med NS 3940, Autodesk Revit, Naviate og Area Tools for arealberegning.
When logging into Vault from Inventor, AutoCAD or any other Autodesk application having a Vault Addin, the message appears:
"The license obtained is incompatible with the server."
Vault is registered as the wrong edition (Basic, Workgroup, Professional) in the Mircrosoft® Windows Registry or certain registry keys are missing.
Following steps solved the issue:
• Launch windows registry with regedit.exe
• Go to folder "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\PLM\Autodesk Vault xx.0\"
• Edit the key "Edition"
• Change the value from "Basic" to "Workgroup" or "Professional"
• Save the changed value with press button "ok"
• Restart Autodesk Inventor 20xx and log in into Vault