Revit Architecture with Naviate Essentials, english
Benefits with the course Revit Architecture with Naviate Basic Course
Better overview of modeling elements such as walls, doors, windows and covers
Learn how to furnish and detail in Naviate
Better insights into drawing production in Revit and Naviate
Expected outcome
As a result of this course, you should gain a greater understanding of how to start a project in Revit, put out walls, covers, roofs and facades - and how to use objects / families and make changes to them. You also need to know how stairs and elevators work across multiple levels, how to make facade changes, take out reports and door forms. You will also gain a greater understanding of how to improve drawing production and use Naviate features to work more efficiently.

Training at Symetri
We know that efficient training can contribute to increased productivity and that investing in competence is as important as investing in the right software. Our trainers are well educated and technically competent and have long and broad experience.
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Annika Gunnarsson
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