How to reduce the time you spend supporting others in product information management?

At many manufacturing and product development companies designers spend hours every week maintaining and supporting other departments with product information. It may be, for example, supplying drawings in PDF format or delivering different kinds of specifications – time that could be spent in innovation, developing and improving products.

How to reduce the time you spend supporting others in product information management?

This work could become more efficient by automating the management of items and BOM (Bill-of-Material) structures. With a PLM (Product lifecycle Management) solution, the product information can be made available to the whole company, leading to improved quality. It would also ensure that everyone has access to the correct information at the right time. So, how does this work?

Well, for example, when you make design changes to a product, a smart PLM solution can automatically update and keep track of the item information and the BOM structure and publish drawings in the file format you require. This means that the product information is easily available to those who need it without you having to spend time on it.

PLM solutions are expensive and complex, aren’t they? Not necessarily.

My advice is to invest in a system with good processing templates that can then be extended. Start by focusing on one problem, for example how to reduce the time spent on maintaining and supporting product information to other departments in the company. When you have solved this, take on the next one, for example how to manage change orders and change requests in a structured way. And that’s what my next post will talk about.

Join the over 400 other industry professionals in Design Management Forum 24-25 April where PLM is one of the main topics.

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At Symetri, we have a smart LEAN PLM solution called SOVELIA PLM. It can solve the above described challenges. Solution is based on a number of processing templates and 20+ years of collective experience in the industry. Sovelia is a solution that can be implemented gradually and extended as required. Take one step at a time and extend the solution with further functionality as required. Contact me and I’ll tell you more, or call +46 31 703 40.


Autodesk Construction Cloud som samhandlingsplattform for byggeprosjekter

23 mai 2024

I en bransje hvor nøyaktighet og tidsstyring er avgjørende, gir Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) en løsning som endrer måten prosjektinformasjon deles og håndteres på tvers av forskjellige plattformer. ACC gjør det mulig for alle involverte å arbeide mer effektivt gjennom sin integrerte plattform og med overføring av data i realtid.

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Utforsk fremtiden med enlinjeskjema i Revit

22 april 2024

Det skjer stadig endringer i bygg- og anleggsindustrien, som krever stor nøyaktighet og effektivitet i prosjekteringen av elektriske systemer. Med Naviate Electrical håndterer du enlinjeskjemaer direkte i Revit og minimerer risikoen for kostbare feil under konstruksjonen.

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